HAHAHA. This is what we did after Christmas dinner....Oh and half of it's dark lol (watch the top one first)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
We are Leather :D
Haha. Me and Lauren got bored sooo we make a video lol. And btw this video was totally unplanned...Oh and before you press play put the music on pause so you can understand it lol
I hope everyone had a merry Christmas as I did. :) So...-drum roll- here's all I got...
- A Sony Cyber Shot in red :D
- A piano keyboard
- The Twilight Series
- Clothes
- Guitar Hero on Tour, and Guitar Hero on Tour Decades
- The Uglies book
- A new purse
- Smelly stuffs
- Gift cards
- Money
- And other random things :P
You will definately be seeing pics (and videos :D) with my new camera soon!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Shaw Christmas Dinner
Well the other day was the Shaw Christmas dinner. I haven't seen any of them in like a million years, so it was a big deal lol. I got these pics from Aunt Kristi...
Me, Nana, and Kelly
Papaw, me, and Nana
Aunt Kristi, me, and Kelly
All the girlies
We grandkids :P
Me and Kelly playin some air hockey
Jordan and Kenzie haha
Me and little Lauren :)
This is my mini-me

Me and Nana

Me and Nana
For Thanksgiving we went to my Aunt Wandas. I actually made deviled eggs :D. And when we got done eatin' we did a little shootin' and then put up her Christmas tree.
Rolls made by Laurenn
HAHAH Lauren shootin' a pistol :P
More shootin
My first gun I ever shot...
what a loser who got whipped cream all over me :(
Haha. It was tasty.
Fantasy of Trees
Ok well it's been like a million years since I've posted. So I'm just going to go in chronological order....First is Fantasy of Trees. I worked it to get some Beta Club points. Anna and Sneha worked it with me too. It was surprisingly fun haha. Little kids are so cute :).

Me, Anna, and Sneha on the carousel :)
Penguins on Parade
haha Star Wars
The Handprint Potholders :)
Anna painting a little baby's foot
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Well isn't this a lovely Wednesday :)
I would like to announce that this is the first time in a long time that I have not had homework :). Omg. I just didn't use a contraction on "have not" :\ TOO MUCH ENGLISH!! So I did promise a list. And on the subject of English:
Reasons Why I Hate English Class
Reasons Why I Hate English Class
- Writing papers-Why in the world do we need to write essays and papers and crap like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah "to get into college" or "so you can write better in college." Okayy. What about after college? How many career fields actually require you to write an essay with an "introduction paragraph" and "thesis statements" and "body paragraphs" and a "concluding paragraph" and make sure you "restate your thesis." >:(
- Correct grammar-Okay so I know correct grammar is a sign of intelligence or whatever, but come on. We live in Tennessee here. I do try to use correct grammar and spell things correctly and stuff, but must we be graded on it?
- Timed writing-OMG. Writing papers is difficult enough as it is, but timed???? UGH. When things are timed I feel so rushed and I can't put my thoughts into words in a limited amount of time, so the paper ends up being crap.
- A specific amount of words or pages or paragraps-When teachers force you to have a certain amount of information, I write a bunch of crap to fill up room. So really, teachers, you are just making me get a worse grade.
- When teachers give you a bad grade but don't tell you why-Uhh excuse me, are you trying to make my grade lower? How do I learn if you don't correct my wrong doings??
- Reading-What's with all this reading?? Haha jk. I love reading. Actually the books for AP Euro are more boring than the ones for English lol.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
New skin
This is going to be a quick little post before I go to bed, but I just wanted to let everyone know of the new skin. It's in honor of Relient K, since I'm going to go see them in a couple of weeks. And I wanted something different before I put up a Christmas skin. As you can see, different Relient K songs are the headers and also the signature of the posts. So yeah lol. And the skin itself is based on the song "Which to bury, us or the hatchet?" If you've never heard it, scroll through my songs over there-------------->
Friday, November 14, 2008
stupid bus >:(
I feel the need to rant about how the bus system needs to be more organized. I am very tired of having to stand up and almost kill myself when the bus driver slams on the breaks. Something needs to change. Like take one of the stops off or something >:(. Look at this picture. (Sorry it's blurry and not very good, I took it on my phone on a crowded bus.)
See all the people standing? The day before it was like that times 3. People were packed like sardines. UGHHH! Someone's going to get really hurt one day. A few weeks ago it was like this and there was a kid that actually flipped over in the aisleway when the driver slammed on the breaks. And I mean slammed. Not just abruptly stopped. I think one of those times was on purpose lol. ARGGGG! Sorry. I just needed to vent. And I know I said I would be posting lists, which I promise I will do soon. >:(((((((((((

See all the people standing? The day before it was like that times 3. People were packed like sardines. UGHHH! Someone's going to get really hurt one day. A few weeks ago it was like this and there was a kid that actually flipped over in the aisleway when the driver slammed on the breaks. And I mean slammed. Not just abruptly stopped. I think one of those times was on purpose lol. ARGGGG! Sorry. I just needed to vent. And I know I said I would be posting lists, which I promise I will do soon. >:(((((((((((
Monday, November 10, 2008
Halloween??? And other updates...
I am so behind on this blogging thing lol. So I didn't go trick-or-treating or anything, but my church always has a trunk-or-treat. The kids come and get candy and we youth give out candy and walk around pretty much. So me and Sarah usually dress up. We were going to be gangsters or masquerade people. But we couldn't make it to the halloween place. So Jenny had this amazing idea of us dressing as Chris Kilby, our youth president. He's a huge UT fan so we decked out in Tennessee clothes and put stickers that said "Hello my name is Chris Kilby." Haha it was great. Although it was sad that people asked who we were. And he wasn't there. :(
so maybe he doesn't have long hair and throw up the peace sign...
On Halloween me and daddy went to Chili's and then came home and I played Guitar Hero for the first time since summer lol. I was a little out of practice :\ So nothing exciting has really happened....I discovered that I can write an essay and fill out an analysis page in two hours. Starting at 10:30 on Sunday night lol. I have to do a research paper, which I am not excited about :(. On the bright side I am done with Julius Caesar. :DD yayy!! So I guess that's it...I'm going to go enjoy the rest of my night with no homework. The next few blogs I'm going to post lists, of favorites, dislikes, annoyances, etc...So stay tuned :)
Oh and I also added a few more songs :)
On Halloween me and daddy went to Chili's and then came home and I played Guitar Hero for the first time since summer lol. I was a little out of practice :\ So nothing exciting has really happened....I discovered that I can write an essay and fill out an analysis page in two hours. Starting at 10:30 on Sunday night lol. I have to do a research paper, which I am not excited about :(. On the bright side I am done with Julius Caesar. :DD yayy!! So I guess that's it...I'm going to go enjoy the rest of my night with no homework. The next few blogs I'm going to post lists, of favorites, dislikes, annoyances, etc...So stay tuned :)
Oh and I also added a few more songs :)
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Camping...two weeks ago lol
Sorry I have been so lacking in my posting. I have just been dreading uploading all these pics. So I'm only going to post my most favorite from camping. So now let's get to the story of camping. We left on Wednesday at like 2:30. UGH! I wanted to leave at like 9. >:( Anyways. So we left and then had to go get groceries which I swear was another hour. So we got there and set up. And did camping stuff. Most of the time I just chilled and tried to read. But I kept getting distracted until I discovered that I could concentrate while listening to my iPod. I actually finished Tale of Two Cities, which is beyond exciting. I hung out with Emmy and Kaleigh too lol. Little kids are the best. My brother also had his birthday party there, even though his birthday was like 4 days ago lol. Umm..so heres some pics :)
We had hobos the first night.
Yes thats me with fire :O
Getting ready for the crab boil :)
She actually told me to go away so she could talk about me :(
I swear this is not posed lol
Trees are fun :)
The LaRue girls
Jace is such a G lol
Such a cutie :D
Me and Harley :)
Haha. Old air mattresses are funnn :D
How cute they are :)
Sand castle
All the kids :)
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