Thursday, September 11, 2008

oh yeah

oh yeahh I added some new music :)


Well it's been a while hasn't it? lol. Well school is great :|. Erggg. Homework and homework and more homework. How wonderous is that? So I guess I'll just start from today because I don't really feel like talking about the last few months. Although I did get my permit :D yayy.

So anyways I joined Beta Club which makes me happy. :D I've also decided that although I hate English I do love Mrs. McAffry. She's pretty dawgawn amazing lol. We even sweet tea tasted in there. OMG I love tea. yummmmm :DDDD. I also found out how to pop my neck hahahaha. I have to jerk it fast to one side. I feel like I'm rambling. Well I got a Hello Kitty coloring book the other day so I'm going to go color a picture for Kara lol.